
Showing posts from February, 2016

Hamilton - Town Newton

Hamilton - Town Newton This is the Private Condo Residence that allow Their Sport Car Park outside this apartment. Guess there is a Car Lift. Hamilton - Town Newton

City Center Panaroma 4

This is a special bonus for City Centre. Will once a while comes out with some Panaroma and HDR. Take more time and effort to process but the result is better. Some detail dust will comes out for the High Dynamic Process, need to remove too. Old Camera Dust Removal is not so good. The New Bridge Walkway links the Esplanade Marina and the Merlion Park. This one is from the Merlion.

Red Hill Market - Ang Suah

Heard that Red Hill soil is really Red in Color, no one proof it yet by digging in. Local call it Ang Suah . The MRT is built slightly off the residential Area. Or should say it is not pre-plan  before the MRT system. The MRT station do bring in some new residential Condo Private. As developer see the Obvious Value Multiplier. Quite a Big Contrast with is Old Residence Area. Not too far down is some Car Showroon and a Giant Ikea HQ, and some Office Block. This area is not a Total Plan region, just built up here and there as it goes. There is even a KGB - Khong Guan Biscuit Factory and some Old Prince Street. NB - A Classic Vintage Cross Process Image

100 Stuff

This is really a Old Grocery Shop at Red Hill. Still in operation serving the resident. The Econ Minimart is Old, this is even Older, like 1.0 or 2.0 older. The whole area is old, even kid still play street fight games beside the market. Guess not all children are X-Box Nintendo, still see many around Not really Well to Do. Economy is still the Top Key Priorities. Who How do local Compete with so many High Talent and Cheap Labour coming in "freely". Sooner or later people will put up the "Fight" after all the Sugar are Given, realised that their Opportunity are taken away. Of course it is Free Market Economy. But need some Rule too. People will ask, you mean I can the Rifle running around, and they comes in with equal chance and sit on your place?  (Some side issue) NB : Ten Town - Big Street Small Avenue

Hong Lim complex

This is Hong Lim Complex . Belongs to part of the China Town. Most of the Chinatown this days are commercialised , even the street food are now standardised for Tourist Convenience. Some Local Hawker food center are also popular, recommend Bak Gut The just round the corner. Can get some Chinese Tonic like Bird Nest and Chicken Essence here. Beside is the Sensitive Hong Lim Park. Used to filled with some Political Spark. Now it is the Speaker Corner. But seems like need some License to give some speech Open.

Another "Glam" City Capture

Quite a hurried shot with very short shuttle. Only manage to get a basic Light Tripod. The Tripod is so small that can squeeze inside a small bag. Guess it is local manufacture by Challenger - yes the IT Gadget Shop. Quite OK quality, and going at extra Low price for Members Discount. Not the Sharpest and Cleanest Shot around. not very creative too. May be a proper commercial Project like "system" will make a day. The Rest is Market and Service.

A Standard Tourist Brouchure View

This is a result of squeezing space with the visiting Tourist. A Standard Front View, It is Crowded with people for some reason. Firstly, the City View and Merlion comes as One Picture. Just Opposite is the Marina Bay Sands. Next to it is the Esplanade Theatre. And now it comes with the " New Independence Bridge "

Town Singapore Series - Red Hill Town

Quite a Old District, but the residential area still looks OK. The Market is really Old School, look like museum with BW processing. The Big Town is at the Other side, quite a walk, got to take a short bus from MRT. A much bigger Residential Town at Telok Blangah with 5-6 Avenue. Comes with Safra Club, a Big Hill Park. Of course the famous Mt Faber, and connector to Harbour Front.

City Center 36

City Center 36 1. City Skyline by Night 2016, View 1 Now really night, but evening time. From the viewing platform from MBS. The Laser Show really gather lots of tourist visitor. Guess this is one of the few that local often missed. As promo is targeted to Tourist . Many local just see the Laser shooting from the MBS Top. The portable tripod is out. Ultra Light-weight. With aperture open big and slightly higher 200 ISO. Guess the noise is not much affected. Most Night scene can be capture less than 1-2 sec. Some bright scene can even barely shoot hand-held. ISO 400 ++. Try to get some 36 KEY CAPTURE of City Center.

Ten Town Series - Aljunied and Geylang Town

Ten Town Series - Aljunied and Geylang Town Ten Town Series - Aljunied and Geylang Town Ten Town Series - Aljunied and Geylang Town   Looks more like some Big  Town of Malaysia. Aljunied Geylang seems stand still in times in face paced Singapore. Old and Rugged it has a different town scene. Not much tall building and fancy shopping mall. Your first stop will be Old Coffee shop. The fruit stall is wide open early in the morning. Quite health conscious in this infamous place. Seems like a No-Fly zone, building not more than 10 stories. Start of a second round of a Ten Town Singapore  Photography Series.

City Street Capture, Color. Marina Bays Area.

City Central - Marina Bays Area. City Street Capture, Color

Original Creative Style - Singapore

City Central, Marina Bay Sands Area. Kind of going into the direction of Original Creative Style . Seems still have some good market and room to play. Quite a few scenic City Shot. The Soft Cross Process monochrome look somewhat "cool", hopefully. A few curve and some cityscape make it quite photogenic

Jurong Town 4

Jurong Town will also be another Administration Center of Singapore, as "de-centralisation" goes on. Quite a complex Architecture building can be found. Town centre is so big that look like you can play football inside the shopping mall. Guess the advantage of Out-Town Non Central is the Ample of Space , relative for City Size. Stil have some open space after all these years of development. This is not a private commercial building, but a Government one.

Tropic Scene of Singapore - @Singapore Flyer

Down at a small corner of Singapore Flyer,  Ice-cream and Coconut tree comes together. Quite a Sunny after noon with blazing Sun. Color Street Photography

Jurong Town 3


Jurong Town 2


Jurong Town 1

Jurong Town is quite photogenic in some sense even it is just a Industrial Town. Very Big indeed compare to other residential town. Just a round in town center get you a handful of good shot. There is a decentralisation going on. Jurong may just be another Admin Town too.

Jurong Bus Station

Jurong Bus Station.

Under the Highway

Quite difficult to balance between Design and Commercial. This one is more to the "Design" side of things. There is this Urban Exploration. Quite new even in the West. So need some explanation here. But can get some extra "Fresh New" capture for the experience one. If not got to go through the Photography Index. Or comb through the City Center or Go through the 5 Town. The easier way is to check the magazines and book. Or do some DIY Research

Just Medium Rare- Half Cooked

MBS A side Street view of the MBS, from the driver point of view. Visitor may not aware that this whole area is LAND-FILLED. Meaning it built on some Sea Side. Some will remember walking under the high way to some remote Cycling Area. Now you can drive a big bypass to the other side of the City. Latest News is there will be a New North South Highway. Singapore is Really Half Done - Just Medium Rare in dinner term.

Singapore Flyer and Such

The movie Fantastic Four made famous the London Version of this Circular Viewing Tower. Singapore seems not a favourite venue for Movie Director. The closest Lion City got is a recent B3 grade Spy Agent Film Agent 47. Showcase the Shenton Way Taxi and Marina Night View. Even Hong Kong and Taiwan movie makers don't frequent SG as their Out-door venue. Since it so close and suppose to be a alternate different style of view. The STB really need to work on this as it is a Free Promo. A very High Tech Advance Engineering Work, the Singapore Flyer is impossible decade ago. The mechanical movement got to be so precise and most important of all the Safety Level got to be there to carry Human Safely. The idea is there long time ago in Children Amusement park. But such a Big Scale really need some Advance Applied Technology to work it out.

Potrait of Singapore Flyer

Manage to get this clean full capture from far, from MBS. Zoom in quite a bit you get this standard full portrait plus some surrounding. A newer destination for visitor and locals. A magnificent piece of engineering work by itself. It is a Full Encapsulation of the Whole City view in one short trip. Best Watch on evening. Goes with many spin off like dinner. You can even get a wedding event.

A Chinese Gold Shop

A Chinese Gold Shop Surprise to see so many Real Gold Bar at Chinatown. Just there for some Chicken Essence. but so many Gold Shop without any security guard. Take it for granted. Not a total secured time around. And the shop are in "open air" not even inside a shopping mall. Did not notice that there is now many "Others" around, just be careful. Not everyone is just as nice nice as you nice cousin. Chinese is actually Not ashamed to show their Wealth. Heard the British Discourage to Talk about Money. For Chinese it is common to see some Old uncle to wear some 24K Pure gold Bracelet and Necklace. Together with Rolex Watch , it is a Classic Symbol of Status. To Brash and Flash for Some People, but for some it is OK. It is a good source of investment too, acting as a small bank saving, you may get to used it some times around.  Singapore even has its own Public Listed Pawn Shop, cool.