100 Stuff

This is really a Old Grocery Shop at Red Hill. Still in operation serving the resident. The Econ Minimart is Old, this is even Older, like 1.0 or 2.0 older. The whole area is old, even kid still play street fight games beside the market.

Guess not all children are X-Box Nintendo, still see many around Not really Well to Do.
Economy is still the Top Key Priorities. Who How do local Compete with so many High Talent and Cheap Labour coming in "freely". Sooner or later people will put up the "Fight" after all the Sugar are Given, realised that their Opportunity are taken away.

Of course it is Free Market Economy. But need some Rule too. People will ask, you mean I can the Rifle running around, and they comes in with equal chance and sit on your place?  (Some side issue)

NB : Ten Town - Big Street Small Avenue


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